Through this Policy Statement, the Port Authority of the Bay of Algeciras expresses its commitment to sustainable port development based on its "Green Strategy", directing its lines of action towards the fulfillment of each of the sustainability commitments (SCs) of this framework. strategy, as well as in its Code of Ethics.

The ports managed by this Port Authority constitute an important base of activity that generates economic and social development in the environment, where numerous public and private entities concur, with different repercussions on the environment; close to urban centers and enclaves of high environmental value.

For all these reasons, the Port Authority directs its efforts to implement this policy within the framework of a corporate sustainability strategy with an integrating and transversal environmental approach, which allows it to continue with its sustainable development, but also contributes more manifestly to the Port Community and citizens, applying the following principles in its management:

  • Promote the growth of port activity linked to the operation of the Bahía de Algeciras and Tarifa Ports, based on the three pillars of sustainability (environmental, economic and social), thus promoting sustainable development.
  • Comply with the sustainability commitments established in its Green Strategy in alignment with the UN 2030 Agenda, its adhesion to the 2030 Agenda of the World Network of Port Cities (AIVP), which incorporates the fulfillment of ten commitments of sustainable port development , of the principles contained in the "ESPO (European Sea Ports Organization) Green Guide; Towards excellence in port environmental management and sustainability", and of those included in the "Guideline to implement the objectives of the European Green Deal related to with Ports”, thus improving its position in port sustainability.
  • Respect environmental legislation, and any other requirement that it subscribes to that brings it closer to its aspirations in terms of sustainability and try to go beyond legal requirements, when this is technically and economically possible.
  • Incorporate in its planning the needs and expectations of the interested parties and establish effective communication mechanisms with them in relation to environmental issues, reporting on their environmental performance, in alignment with their SCs and the UN 2030 Agenda, from the principle of transparency with the annual dissemination and publication of Environmental Declarations, Sustainability Reports, etc.
  • Carry out the appropriate studies and diagnoses to analyze environmental risks, in order to identify adverse aspects or threats, enhance beneficial impacts or opportunities, and control significant port environmental aspects.
  • Protect biodiversity, preventing pollution in the scope of its activities and actively collaborating with the administrations with direct powers in matters of environmental control of activities carried out by external companies that operate in the ports it manages.
  • Make rational use of natural resources, applying energy efficiency criteria and preventing climate change.
  • Promote collaborative activities with public and private institutions in its area of ​​influence that promote environmental, social and economic awareness in the Campo de Gibraltar region.
  • Develop actions to involve the principles of this Policy, as well as its Green Strategy, in the port community, to the extent permitted by its powers.
  • Continuously improve the different aspects of its Environmental Management System and its environmental sustainability performance, through the environmental objectives established within the framework of the principles of this Policy, the result of its evolution being integrated into decision-making.
  • Guarantee the availability of the necessary resources for the implementation of this Environmental Sustainability Policy and that at all times, it is pertinent and appropriate for this public body.

Gerardo Landaluce Calleja


Rev.5 Abril 2022

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